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Levelling up your workouts!

Ewan Norrie Coaching

Updated: Mar 26, 2023

We all want to be our fittest selves, and when we're starting out it's easy to think that more is always better. However, when it comes to working out, it's important to find the right level for you - whether you're a beginner, coming back from an injury or pregnant. Today we're going to talk about how to level up your workouts in a way that's appropriate for you.

Read on for top tips on how to get started (or get back into) working out at the right level for YOU! Trust us, your future self will thank you. ; )"

Why it's important to find the right level for your workouts

Starting your workouts in the right place is extremely important if you want to achieve the desired results. Starting too high or too low can be demoralizing and set you up for failure. Starting at a reasonable level with an appropriate timeline that allows for taking into account any physical weaknesses and time restraints it will provide an holistic view of your training routine and also allow for progression in a safe and responsible manner. Don't let influencers, famous people or athletes lead you astray - there is no one-size-fits-all solution! Listen to your body, adjust your plan according to what's realistic for you and enjoy seeing the results of all that hard work!

How to know if you're working out too hard

When it comes to working out, feeling adequately challenged is key - but there's a fine line between feeling invigorated after a workout and feeling too exhausted that you simply don't have the energy to enjoy life. Signs you're overtraining can be feeling fatigued during the workouts, feeling sore more often than usual, feeling injured or dreading your normally enjoyable workout. It could also be as simple as trouble sleeping - if you find yourself tossing and turning every night instead of getting restful sleep, that's a sign you should back off of your workouts a bit. A good rule of thumb: listen to yourself and make sure to spend enough time resting - it's just as important for helping achieve fitness goals as any other aspect.

Tips for finding the perfect level for beginners, those coming back from an injury, and pregnant women

Working out until you are sore or exhausted can seem like a great goal, but when it comes to working out when you’re a beginner, coming back from an injury, or pregnant it is important to find the perfect level. Think of working out like cooking meat- once it’s burned there’s no going back. however if its under cooked, you can always cook it a little more. How you feel post workout for 1-3 days is a good measuring tool. Soreness in itself isnt terrible so long as there is no pain in a joint. Also, taking advice from an expert or trusted source that cam translate your goals such as a physical therapist, fitness instructor, or health care practitioner rather than influencers, the famous, or athletes for finding the perfect level for beginners.

Many years ago there was an article about Paula Radcliff returning from giving birth and within a week or so taking the baby out in the sporty stroller for a 3 mile run. On face value we would all think this impossible and inappropriate, and yes this would be correct. However, Paula was used to running 15-25 miles per day leading up to her pregnancy and a mere 3 miles would be the equivalent to usual exercisers walking to the shops. So for Paula doing a small percentage of what she would normally do shouldn't have been an issue. Finding a reasonable starting point could be as low as 10 % of what you would have normally done or what you think you could do. Adding an additional 5-10% per week over the coming months a very safe way to make your workout come back - or indeed a fresh start. Once you find that sweet spot it will be easier to increase intensity and duration slowly over time leading to successful results in the long run.

Working out and around injuries is possible

If you’ve ever suffered from an injury, you know that getting back into the swing of working out can be daunting. But it can also be done safely and effectively. Starting a workout program in this scenario requires finding two different programs to train muscle groups with the injured muscles being the focus for the recovery program. When it comes to working out and around injuries, the weaker area may receive specific exercises at low level for the rehab portion, whilst the non affected areas a more robust training regime- there’s always a balance at every level! The 2 programs come with different progressions (and recoveries) and at the same time you will feel you are progressing in at least some area, whether that is strength, balance, flexibility or fitness.

How to make sure you're always progressing in your workouts and seeing results

Working out can be tricky: find a plan that's too tough and you could over-exert yourself, or one that's too easy and you won't see proper progress in your fitness. The key to consistent progression is to remember that each person's journey is uniquely their own - what works for the influencer, celebrity or athlete may not work for you.

To make sure you're achieving your goals while safely staying within your limits, ensure that all initial movements feel ok, good, easy and not too complicated, your body should feel very little stress. Then simply and gently add a little more time to the activity, repetitions or even sets. Other parameters to consider is playing around with are your rest time or intensity of the workout. You may also want to consider enlisting the help of a personal trainer who can develop a program specifically tailored to your needs and abilities. That way, you'll always be making strides toward better health without inadvertently creating any setbacks.

Finding the perfect workout routine can seem like a mystery, but with the right guidance and knowledge, you’ll be able to find an appropriate level for your fitness goals. It's important to start slow at the beginning so that you can avoid injury and build up strength gradually. Despite your age or fitness level, understanding how much effort to put in is key for seeing results safely and consistently.

With that being said, it's also important to recognize when it's time to slowly push yourself and take your routine up a notch. Don’t compare yourself to the influencers or athletes because they are on a whole different playing field! Instead use them as encouragement but don’t forget that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Pay attention to both physical signs of fatigue and emotional/mental motivation levels so that you can make adjustments as needed - sometimes all it takes is a break! At the end of the day, listen to your body first and learn how progress works best for you because everyone’s individual journey will walk its own path!

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